Working on the canon for upcoming content

I’ve been working on the “bible” for LEWD. Basically, it’s the canon for the game world. It will include rules about the lore and such that can’t be broken, or the exceptions where they can be bent.
I’ll probably share this with Patreon supporters at some point, but it won’t be finished until I’ve gathered some of the incoming writers feedback.

Originally I always had a few ideas, but I was keeping it open. There’s a few things that are set in stone, but there is a lot where I can probably get great ideas from others that join … Continue reading

Come Alpha: Supporter Feedback

A new feature is coming to the upcoming alpha client, enabling Patreon supporters to easily leave feedback for a given scene, or the whole scenario that it’s apart of. It’ll be available when the Alpha1 release comes, in a few weeks.

This isn’t completely done. I’d also like to have it divided up in the tool to automatically segment the feedback along side the revisions or something, so just the new feedback/score since the last update could be shown. I don’t think most people really care about the tools side … Continue reading

Come Alpha: Data driven UI updates

For those that missed it, I’m gearing up for a “relaunch” of LEWD with a rewritten client, it running on my new engine, and with hopefully lots of nice new content for the writers I have been seeking.

Though I haven’t redesigned the UI’s look yet, the way it works is now very different, with many enhancements.

There is one little apparent change here, still: The -1 to all but charisma that gets +2.

The whole thing with all the redoing this is that these are no longer some thing … Continue reading

Tools update – Real time inspecting and manipulating of code

So, I’ve been quiet the past year about updates.  Even though I’ve spent thousands of hours on the engine and tools the past year, there’s been hundreds of changes as well as completely redoing things. There just wasn’t much sense in posting about updates when it’s a new thing.


Now things are wrapping up with the tools and engine being mostly complete, where I can start working on the game itself outside of the prototype from before.
This is also a particularly interesting thing, to me, that I thought was … Continue reading

The new Writing Parser, and where it’s going

I realize I left off with some “what I have planned” and “what I’m thinking” for the writing parser a while back, and never posted about where I’ve ended up with it.

Especially with the tools out, some of the writing parser content looked really complicated since it was made before there was this new, improved parser. Well, like I said, I wanted something where writers can just write.

Though that old way of using a bunch of “psuedocode” blocks to check how a player’s stuff is arranged is still there and works because of just how the underlying system … Continue reading

Apply to be a writer and dev for LEWD

I set up a snippet from the dev tools to allow people to submit. This isn’t the entire tool, but it’s the part for adding the scenarios that come up, which is the most important part for LEWD.

Some guidelines

  • Familiarize yourself with the game and what it’s about by playing it. You need to have writing that’s a somewhat similar style, and it needs to fit within the context of the game. (Scifi, another solar system, really lewd, aliens, etc) While the style needs to be similar, such as being second person and more emotive … Continue reading

Reference parameters and callback functions detailed

A new update to the engine brings complex reference parameters which I’ll detail here for future devs to look to.

I’ll also detail callback functions here.

Reference parameters is a parameter string in the tool which gets parsed in such a way for the parameter to be filled in with a result that’s stored in a reference.
At the moment, some of the tool such as the autocomplete does not make this as easy of a job as it should be, but that’ll be fixed later.

Variable Types

Private variables are never sent to the players unless they are … Continue reading

Another quick update

The updates and reworks I’m doing to the engine are about 90% complete. Next it’s a mater of rewriting some things that were hard coded to be programmed with the new tools, and some finishing touches that may be needed to complete the port.

So, LEWD will be on a new engine soon and I’ll try and see if I can get some people to add content and other stuff to it now that it’s far easier to do so with a lot more capability.

I should also be getting that getting “stuck” bug fixed since how movement works will … Continue reading

Actually, it’s going to be a while longer…

After reviewing where I was with things, how code is now,  and where I wanted to go with things, I need to recode a significant portion of the dev tools as well as the engine.

I want to get a pre-alpha of it available for some others to try making a game on it, which means I needed some basic plugin support and a few more features added.
All of these things are really time consuming, and I’ve found myself getting tired after working more than a few hours a day on it which is slowing me down as … Continue reading